In my quest to become a serious blogger I realized that you can write all you want but if you don't drive traffic to your site you will never make your efforts worth the time you put into it. Through doing research I came across Entrecard, an Internet blogging community that is truly interactive. It is free to join and all you need to do is to place an Entrecard box on your site. From there the objective is to visit other sites and simply drop your card in their box. In return you are wanting other bloggers that belong to Entrecard to stop by your site and drop their card. Hopefully in the process they will linger a while and even comment on one of your articles. You earn credits for drops and are able to buy advertising space on other blogs.
I have been a member for 1 day now and have found that it does increase traffic to your site. So far I would highly recommend trying this program and I give this service 5 stars!