Beware Of Work At Home Scams On Craigslist

I was doing some research on Craigslist today for any local work at home jobs when I came across this post. It made me wonder how many people reply to something like this. I thought I would share this example in hopes that it may help someone to avoid being taken.

This is what the ad says:


We are in search of Hard Working Online Clerk. Work from home. Got a computer? Have Internet access? Ever sent an e-mail? If you said yes to all three questions, then you already qualify.


1. Receive payment from Clients
2. Cash Payments at your Bank
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed.
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to.And any other related duties as may be reasonably assigned by the Company.

First red flag for this job is that you receive payments from Clients directly. If this was a real job why would you be receiving payment and not the company. Second flag is that they ask you to cash payments at your bank and deduct 10 percent from the payment. Why in the world would it be your responsibility to cash payment at your personal bank for a company that you work for? And why would your pay be based on a percentage of that check? Third flag is to forward balance to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to. What is this job? Does it sound like any legitimate job you have ever heard of before? What kind of company ask an employee to receive payment, cash the check and send them the balance?

Please stay away from offers like this. It is never a good idea to get involved in any operation that ask you to cash checks or re-ship goods. I would say this is some kind of money laundering or front for illegal activities. It could even lead to you being arrested.

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