Thanks to my top 10 droppers for April! I also want to thank everyone who advertised and commented on my blog this month. I want to thank my friends at Blogging For Fun for all of their support. Unfortunately I have been swamped the last few days and have not been able to reciprocate on the comments left by my blogging group. We are also running a contest to find new bloggers to join our group over at Yahoo. If interested in joining the group you can click on the link. Be sure to let Melissa know who sent you so I can get credit for the contest we are running. I will also not be dropping tomorrow because it is my 13th wedding anniversary and I hope to be doing something fun.
Here are my top droppers...Thanks for dropping by.
A Rose By Name Learns
Silver Sachet
Picture to People
Take a coffee break...
A Simple Life
Mommy's Little Corner
My Heart Voice
Life's sweets and spices
Rambling Thoughts in SMK Serian
Hello Kitty Gifts
Top Entrecard Dropper for April and More....
Labels: Entrecard, Top Droppers