The Work From Home Mother Is Going To Be On The News!

Today I had an interview with Channel 9 News in Denver about The Work From Home Mother Blog and working from home in general. They came to my house to film and interview me in my little office. I was asked to do the news spot after coming across a new forum called, you can check out an earlier post about them here. I have been posting on their forum about working from home and a few other mom topics. It just so happened that Valentina, the Denver Moms Like Me Site Manager works for 9News. She asked me if I would be interested in doing an interview.

I have to say that I was extremely nervous about doing it. But as it turned out everyone was so nice and made me feel at ease. I am so excited to be able to share work at home information to a larger audience and this is an awesome chance to promote my blog.

So the piece will air on November 3rd at the 10 o'clock news. When it does I will post a link to their website so everyone can see it.