It has been a busy couple of months. I moved right before Christmas, quit my work at home job with West and I am now concentrating on writing for several different places. My first experiment is with At eHow you can submit how to articles on just about any subject. You do not get paid per article, but are paid by ad share revenue from their site. The pay is monthly if you earn the minimum of $10.00 and they pay by PayPal.
I submitted my first article on December 30th and wrote a total of ten articles by the end of January. I made the January payout making $10.07. They paid me about eleven days later.
This month is not going so well. As of the 15th I have made $2.88 with a total of sixteen articles. There has been some kind of glitch in their publishing system that has left me with two articles marked "unavailable" and several more in draft till they figure out the problem.
So can I make a living writing for eHow? I know that there are a lot of writers on eHow that make money every month. They have hundreds of articles and receive residual income from every one they have published. I feel I have had a slow start, but I am going to continue to write and see where it takes me.
If you would like to check out what I have written, please visit me at eHow!
Writing on eHow
Labels: eHow, Freelancing, writing